Greening your home can help you save money and save the environment at the same time. Some people don’t care about going green, but most everyone cares about saving money. Little changes you make in your own home have ripple effects and help to make a difference locally and globally. You may wonder if the effort…
Spicy Harvest Noodles
One of the joys of summers is harvesting fresh veggies from the garden. I recently harvested carrots, peppers, tomatoes, summer squash and eggplants from the garden. See the photos and the Spicy Harvest Noodle recipe I concocted. You can be creative and use the vegetables you have, instead of using the ones below. If you…
Brightwood DC Stories – Share What You Love
Most people in DC have heard of Columbia Heights and Petworth, but what about Brightwood? According to Wikipedia, “the Brightwood Community Association define the neighborhood’s boundaries as Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Aspen Street to the north, 16th Street and Rock Creek Park to the west, Georgia Avenue to the east, and Kennedy Street to…
Garden Stories – Garlic Scapes Adventure
Garlic farmers have to be very patient. You plant one garlic bulb and it magically tranforms into a full head of garlic, but how long does it take? Typically you plant around October 31 Halloween and it will be ready to harvest close to July 4 Independence Day, close to 8 months! Today as I…
Mobile Without Strings: Now on Droid
I have avoided getting snared into a mobile contract. I used different prepaid plans, and finally settled on Pageplus Cellular, which runs off the Verizon network another words the reception is excellent. For some time I used a Samsung i760, a Windows mobile phone. Although it was a durable phone the web experience was limited….
Staying Cool…Breezy Point Beach
As the sun beats down and the humidity melts us, we start daydreaming about going to the beach…However, most beaches are several hours drive from DC. I recently came across Breezy Point Beach in Calvert, Maryland, which is about 45 minutes away. If you decide to swim, it is jellyfish season so watch out…
Bike Power
Inspiring, funny, moving bike films…Catch more at the Bicycle Film Festival o Inspiring – Bristol Bike Project o Hilarious – LALO o Melancholy, Moving – Bicycle/Jitensha [youtube=]
Carnival Portraits: Up Close & Personal
[vodpod id=Video.3966126&w=425&h=350&fv=] This year I got to the Caribbean Carnival much later, so I didn’t get good shots of the parade. However, I got there just in time to catch people in the beautiful golden light of the sunset. Many people were still hanging out at Howard University.
Summer Garden >> Garlic, Carrots, Raspberries
[vodpod id=Video.3879412&w=425&h=350&fv=] This weekend I harvested garlic and carrots. I planted the garlic October 19, 2009, almost eight months ago! Garlic requires a lot of patience. Two varieties of garlic I got from the farmers market are Music and German White. This garlic had not been treated like most garlic you find in the grocery…